Unionize. Join IAM.

We're here for YOU!

The IAM is among North America’s largest trade unions, representing nearly 700,000 active and retired members. We represent over 40,000 workers at dealerships dedicated to:

Learn more about what IAM can do for you and your workplace.

Take the next step for a better work life.

This is a confidential form and will not be shared with your employer or any other third parties.

Benefits of Joining the IAM

Let us be YOUR advocate. Get representation and support from a union with the experience working with union employers to realize positive change in your workplace.

We know the value of having someone in your corner when things get tough.

We are committed to better workplaces, better communities, and better lives for workers.

Justice on the job and Service to the Community. That’s the motto of the IAM. We’re a union that believes that there’s more to life than just work.

We advocate for respect, dignity, and fairness in the workplace. We work to create positive relationships with employers, while seeking fair pay and good benefits through contract negotiations for your hard work.


Peace of mind and retirement security: join the IAM

If you are looking for a safe and simple way to ensure your financial security in retirement, the IAM has what you need. The Labour-Management Pension Fund. It is a simple system to negotiate and simple to administer and it provides you with easy-to-calculate pension benefits (defined benefit).

It is an affordable plan for your employer!
The Labour-Management Pension Fund is a multi-employer pension plan which contribute thousands of active members working in dozens of workplaces represented by AIM. It is the ideal system for small- and medium-sized businesses like car dealerships. We represent workers in dealerships across Canada and many of these workers are involved in our plan.

Employers pay into the system on behalf of their employees based on an hourly rate negotiated in their collective agreement. The amounts paid vary according to the amounts paid in contributions. The Plan is registered with the government and subject to government rules. The funds are held in trust and invested by professionals with a view to maximizing returns for retirees and their families.

What are the advantages for me?
A defined benefit plan allows you to keep track of amounts you have contributed and the amount that you can expect in retirement benefits. The risk is shared. So, unlike an RRSP or a defined contribution plan, you do not personally assume the entire risk. With larger investment funds, the plan proposed by the IAM enables diversification, higher returns and lower risks – at much lower costs compared to if you invested by yourself. Employers are not entitled to contribution holidays, therefore, any surplus resulting from returns are reinvested into the plan to improve benefits.

What are the benefits for employers?
Employers who contribute to the Labour-Management Pension Fund provide their workers with a secure source of retirement income without the risks or responsibilities of an aggressive growth fund. There are obligations of fixed costs on the contributions agreed to in the collective agreement – without needing to provide balance sheets. With standard wording and type of trust agreement, it is simple to negotiate. It is easy to manage through a single delivery report per month – no need for regulators, lawyers, actuaries and investment managers.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. It doesn’t cost you anything to find out what becoming a member of the IAM can do for you. There will be no dues until the IAM negotiates a contract that is acceptable to you and your co-workers, and you have voted to accept it by secret ballot. This means as soon as you and your co-workers vote to join the union, the negotiations process will begin; you pay nothing until the IAM delivers a contract that you and your co-workers feel is a significant improvement over what you have now. Unlike other unions, the IAM doesn’t charge any initiation fees to workers forming a union. And because the IAM is a democratic, not-for-profit organization, any dues you pay are 100% tax deductible.

 It’s a right in all of Canada for you as a worker to join a union and collectively bargain your terms and conditions of work. That right is protected by Canadian Law

Without a contract, your employer can change policies and conditions of work whenever they feel like it. A negotiated Union contract protects the terms and conditions of your employment. Your rights under a Union contract cannot be altered at your employer’s whim. It is enforceable by representatives who work on your behalf with a grievance and arbitration procedure. It’s a contract! And it has teeth!
members’ legal rights, the IAM has gone to the Supreme Court several times – and won!

The IAM is a democratic organization run by its members.
You elect your workplace representatives.
You vote on issues of importance to you.
You vote on your contract.

A union is an organization made up of working individuals who are lawfully working together for the purpose of maintaining, improving, and protecting the interests of workers in your workplace

The job of your union is to negotiate with workers full participation for better wages and benefits through a legal and binding contract, then to enforce that contract and represent you when you encounter day-to-day problems with your employer. By joining together as a union, you and your co-workers have the collective strength to make sure you get decent contracts and fair treatment on the job. Your right to join or form a union is guaranteed by law under the Labour Relations Act.

The process of organizing can be intimidating if you don’t know what to expect. Many employers will resist any attempt their employees make to organize. It’s important to remember that it is your LEGAL RIGHT to join a union. The IAM Union Organizing Department can help you take the first step in becoming a union member. We have an experienced and motivated staff to lead you through your campaign. Click the “Join” tab at the top of the screen and fill out the form to get started.

Canadian Organizers

Al Cyr

Bernie Woods


Scott Jackson

Matt Barnable